
We will explain here the basic usage of py_neuromodulation. Check out the examples for directly following along.

In general only a time series is required with a specified sampling frequency.

Here is the definition of a minimalistic example:

import py_neuromodulation as nm
import numpy as np

NUM_DATA = 10000
sfreq = 1000  # Hz
feature_freq = 3  # Hz

data = np.random.random([NUM_CHANNELS, NUM_DATA])

stream = nm.Stream(sfreq=sfreq, data=data, sampling_rate_features_hz=sampling_rate_features_hz)
features =

features will be a dictionary containing the computed features for each channel. In this example the default signal processing pipeline is estimated. An offline data-stream was initialized with raw data being common-average re-referenced. FFT, bursting features and temporal waveform-shape were computed. Features were calculated with a sampling_rate_features_hz of 3 Hz and subsequently z-score normalized.

We can however further define channel-specific parametrization such as re-referencing, channel selection, target definition, and also select and define additional features.

Check out the example First Demo for a first introduction.

The following sections discuss additional parametrization. In a nutshell, the settings dictionary and a channels dataframe are used for parametrization. The above example implicitly used the default settings and channels. However, we can also define directly specific settings and channels:

from py_neuromodulation import nm_define_nmchannels, nm_settings

channels = nm_define_nmchannels.get_default_channels_from_data(data, car_rereferencing=True)
settings = nm_settings.get_default_settings()

Channel parametrization#

The channel parametrization is defined in a DataFrame. The following columns are required:

Column name


name (string)

name of the channel

rereference (string)

different channel name for bipolar rereferencing, or average for common average re-referencing

used (int)

0 or 1, channel selection

target (int)

0 or 1, for some decoding applications we can define target chanenls, e.g. EMG channels. Target channels are not used for feature computation.

type (string)

mne-python supported channel types e.g. ecog, eeg, ecg, emg, dbs, seeg etc.

status (string)

good or bad, used for channel quality indication

new_name (string)

this keyword can be specified to indicate the used re-referncing scheme

rereferencing constitutes an important aspect of electrophysiological signal processing. Most commonly bipolar and common average re-referencing are applied for separate channel modalities. The following possible parametrization option are available:

Rereference Type




common average rereference (across a channel type, e.g. ecog or eeg)



bipolar rereferencing, specified by the channel name to rereference to



combination of different channels separated by “&”



no rereferencing being used for the particular channel


The nm_channels can either be created as a .tsv file, or as a pandas DataFrame. There are some helper functions that let you create the nm_channels without much effort:

nm_channels = nm_define_nmchannels.get_default_channels_from_data(data, car_rereferencing=True)

When setting up the nm_stream_abc, nm_settings and nm_channels can also be defined and passed to the init function:

import py_neuromodulation as nm

stream = nm.Stream(

Setting definition#

The nm_settings allow for parametrization of all features. Default settings are passed from the nm_settings.json file:

    "sampling_rate_features_hz": 10,
    "segment_length_features_ms": 1000,
    "preprocessing": [
    "documentation_preprocessing_options": [
    "features": {
        "raw_hjorth": true,
        "return_raw": true,
        "bandpass_filter": false,
        "stft": false,
        "fft": true,
        "welch": true,
        "sharpwave_analysis": true,
        "fooof": false,
        "bursts": true,
        "linelength": true,
        "coherence": false,
        "nolds": false,
        "mne_connectivity": false,
        "bispectrum": false
    "postprocessing": {
        "feature_normalization": true,
        "project_cortex": false,
        "project_subcortex": false
    "raw_resampling_settings": {
        "resample_freq_hz": 1000
    "documentation_normalization_options": [
    "raw_normalization_settings": {
        "normalization_time_s": 30,
        "normalization_method": "zscore",
        "clip": 3
    "feature_normalization_settings": {
        "normalization_time_s": 30,
        "normalization_method": "zscore",
        "clip": 3
    "frequency_ranges_hz": {
        "theta": [
        "alpha": [
        "low beta": [
        "high beta": [
        "low gamma": [
        "high gamma": [
        "HFA": [
    "fft_settings": {
        "windowlength_ms": 1000,
        "log_transform": true,
        "features": {
            "mean": true,
            "median": false,
            "std": false,
            "max": false
        "return_spectrum": false
    "welch_settings": {
        "windowlength_ms": 1000,
        "log_transform": true,
        "features": {
            "mean": true,
            "median": false,
            "std": false,
            "max": false
        "return_spectrum": false
    "stft_settings": {
        "windowlength_ms": 500,
        "log_transform": true,
        "features": {
            "mean": true,
            "median": false,
            "std": false,
            "max": false
        "return_spectrum": false
    "bandpass_filter_settings": {
        "segment_lengths_ms": {
            "theta": 1000,
            "alpha": 500,
            "low beta": 333,
            "high beta": 333,
            "low gamma": 100,
            "high gamma": 100,
            "HFA": 100
        "bandpower_features": {
            "activity": true,
            "mobility": false,
            "complexity": false
        "log_transform": true,
        "kalman_filter": false
    "kalman_filter_settings": {
        "Tp": 0.1,
        "sigma_w": 0.7,
        "sigma_v": 1,
        "frequency_bands": [
            "low beta",
            "high beta",
            "low gamma",
            "high gamma",
    "burst_settings": {
        "threshold": 75,
        "time_duration_s": 30,
        "frequency_bands": [
            "low beta",
            "high beta",
            "low gamma"
        "burst_features": {
            "duration": true,
            "amplitude": true,
            "burst_rate_per_s": true,
            "in_burst": true
    "sharpwave_analysis_settings": {
        "sharpwave_features": {
            "peak_left": false,
            "peak_right": false,
            "trough": false,
            "width": false,
            "prominence": true,
            "interval": true,
            "decay_time": false,
            "rise_time": false,
            "sharpness": true,
            "rise_steepness": false,
            "decay_steepness": false,
            "slope_ratio": false
        "filter_ranges_hz": [
        "detect_troughs": {
            "estimate": true,
            "distance_troughs_ms": 10,
            "distance_peaks_ms": 5
        "detect_peaks": {
            "estimate": true,
            "distance_troughs_ms": 5,
            "distance_peaks_ms": 10
        "estimator": {
            "mean": [
            "median": null,
            "max": [
            "min": null,
            "var": null
        "apply_estimator_between_peaks_and_troughs": true
    "project_cortex_settings": {
        "max_dist_mm": 20
    "project_subcortex_settings": {
        "max_dist_mm": 5
    "coherence": {
        "channels": [
        "frequency_bands": [
            "high beta"
        "features": {
            "mean_fband": true,
            "max_fband": true,
            "max_allfbands": true
        "method": {
            "coh": true,
            "icoh": true
    "fooof": {
        "aperiodic": {
            "exponent": true,
            "offset": true,
            "knee": true
        "periodic": {
            "center_frequency": false,
            "band_width": false,
            "height_over_ap": false
        "windowlength_ms": 800,
        "peak_width_limits": [
        "max_n_peaks": 3,
        "min_peak_height": 0,
        "peak_threshold": 2,
        "freq_range_hz": [
        "knee": true
    "nolds_features": {
        "sample_entropy": false,
        "correlation_dimension": false,
        "lyapunov_exponent": true,
        "hurst_exponent": false,
        "detrended_fluctutaion_analysis": false,
        "data": {
            "raw": true,
            "frequency_bands": [
                "low beta"
    "mne_connectiviy": {
        "method": "plv",
        "mode": "multitaper"
    "bispectrum": {
        "f1s": [
        "f2s": [
        "compute_features_for_whole_fband_range": true,
        "frequency_bands": [
            "low beta",
            "high beta"
        "components": {
            "absolute": true,
            "real": true,
            "imag": true,
            "phase": true
        "bispectrum_features": {
            "mean": true,
            "sum": true,
            "var": true


The following preprocessing options can be written in the preprocessing field, which will be executed in the specified order:

"documentation_preprocessing_options": [


raw_resampling defines a resampling rate to which the original data is downsampled to. This can be of advantage, since high sampling frequencies automatically require usually more computational cost. In the method specific settings the resampling frequency can be defined:

"raw_resampling_settings": {
    "resample_freq_hz": 1000

Notch Filtering#

notch_filer can be enabled with the line_noise frequency supplied as a init parameter to nm_stream_abc.


normalization allows for normalizing the past normalization_time in seconds according to the following options:

  • mean

  • median

  • zscore

  • zscore-median

  • quantile

  • power

  • robust

  • minmax

The latter four options are obtained via wrappers around the scikit-learn preprocessing modules.

zscore-median is implemented using the following equation: \(X_{norm} = \frac{X - median(X)}{median(X)}\)

The normalization_time allows to specify a past time window that will be used for normalization. The setting specification for raw and feature normalization is specified in the same manner:

"raw_normalization_settings": {
        "normalization_time": 10,
        "normalization_method": "median"


Features can be enabled and disabled using the features key:

        "fft": true,
        "stft": true,
        "bandpass_filter": true,
        "sharpwave_analysis": true,
        "raw_hjorth": true,
        "return_raw": true,
        "coherence": true,
        "fooof": true,
        "bursts": true,
        "linelength": true,
        "nolds": true,
        "mne_connectivity": true

Oscillatory features#

Frequency band specification#

Frequency bands are specified in the settings within a dictionary of frequency band names and a list of lower and upper band ranges. The supplied frequency ranges can be utilized by different feature modalities, e.g. fft, coherence, sharpwave etc.

"frequency_ranges_hz": {
    "theta": [
    "alpha": [

Fast Fourier Transform and Short-Time Fourier Transform are both specified using the same settings parametrization:

"fft_settings": {
    "windowlength_ms": 1000,
    "log_transform": true,
    "kalman_filter": false

log_transform is here a recommended setting.

Kalman filtering#

kalman_filter can be enabled for all oscillatory features and is motivated by filtering estimated band power features using the white noise acceleration model (see “Improved detection of Parkinsonian resting tremor with feature engineering and Kalman filtering” Yao et al 19). The white noise acceleration model get’s specified by the \(T_p\) prediction interval (Hz), and the process noise is then defined by \(\sigma_w\) and \(\sigma_v\):

\[\begin{split}Q = \begin{bmatrix} \sigma_w^2 \frac{T_p^{3}}{3} & \sigma_w^2 \frac{T_p^2}{2}\\ \sigma_w^2 \frac{T_p^2}{3} & \sigma_w^2T_p\ \end{bmatrix}\end{split}\]

The settings can be specified as follows:

"kalman_filter_settings": {
        "Tp": 0.1,
        "sigma_w": 0.7,
        "sigma_v": 1,
        "frequency_bands": [
            "low gamma",
            "high gamma",
            "all gamma"

Individual frequency bands (specified in the frequency_ranges_hz) can be selected for Kalman Filtering (see Chisci et al 2010 for an example).

Bandpass filter#

bandpass_filter enables band power feature estimation through precomputation of a FIR filter using the mne.filter.create_filter function.

"bandpass_filter_settings": {
    "segment_lengths_ms": {
        "theta": 1000,
        "alpha": 500,
        "low beta": 333,
        "high beta": 333,
        "low gamma": 100,
        "high gamma": 100,
        "HFA": 100
    "bandpower_features": {
        "activity": true,
        "mobility": false,
        "complexity": false
    "log_transform": true,
    "kalman_filter": false

The segment_length_ms parameter defines a time range in which FIR filtered data is used for feature estimation. In this example for the theta frequency band the previous 1000 ms are used to estimate features based on the FIR filtered signal. This might be beneficial when using shorter frequency bands, e.g. gamma, where estimating band power in a range of e.g. 100 ms might result in a temporal more specific feature calculation. A common way to estimate band power is to take the variance of FIR filtered data. This is equivalent to the activity Hjorth parameter. The Hjorth parameters activity, mobility and complexity can be computed on bandpass filtered data as well. For estimating all Hjorth parameters of the raw unfiltered signal, raw_hjorth can be enabled.

Analyzing temporal waveform shape#

sharpwave_analysis allows for calculation of temporal waveform features. See “Brain Oscillations and the Importance of Waveform Shape” Cole et al 17 for a great motivation to use these features. Here, sharpwave features are estimated using a prior bandpass filter between the filter_low_cutoff and filter_high_cutoff ranges. The sharpwave peak and trough features can be calculated, defined by the estimate key. According to a current data batch one or more temporal waveform events can be detected. The subsequent feature is returned as the mean, median, maximum, minimum or variance of all events in the feature computation batch, defined by the estimator. For further introduction see the example notebook Analyzing temporal features.

Here the full parametrization in the nm_settings:

"sharpwave_analysis_settings": {
    "sharpwave_features": {
        "peak_left": false,
        "peak_right": false,
        "trough": false,
        "width": false,
        "prominence": true,
        "interval": true,
        "decay_time": false,
        "rise_time": false,
        "sharpness": true,
        "rise_steepness": false,
        "decay_steepness": false,
        "slope_ratio": false
    "filter_ranges_hz": [
    "detect_troughs": {
        "estimate": true,
        "distance_troughs_ms": 10,
        "distance_peaks_ms": 5
    "detect_peaks": {
        "estimate": true,
        "distance_troughs_ms": 5,
        "distance_peaks_ms": 10
    "estimator": {
        "mean": [
        "median": null,
        "max": [
        "min": null,
        "var": null
    "apply_estimator_between_peaks_and_troughs": true

Raw signals#

Next, raw signals can be returned, specified by the return_raw method. This can be useful for using e.g. normalization, rereferencing or resampling before feeding data to a deep learning model.

Characterization of spectral aperiodic component#

There is also a wrapper around the fooof toolbox for characterization of the periodic and aperiodic components. Periodic components will be returned with a peak_idx, the respective center frequency, bandwith, and height over the aperiodic component. fooof specific parameters, e.g. knee or max_n_peaks are passed to the fooof object as well:

"fooof": {
    "aperiodic": {
        "exponent": true,
        "offset": true,
        "knee": true
    "periodic": {
        "center_frequency": false,
        "band_width": false,
        "height_over_ap": false
    "windowlength_ms": 800,
    "peak_width_limits": [
    "max_n_peaks": 3,
    "min_peak_height": 0,
    "peak_threshold": 2,
    "freq_range_hz": [
    "knee": true


When using the knee parameter, the knee_frequency is returned for every fit. See also the fooof Aperiodic Component Fitting Notebook.

Nonlinear measures for dynamical systems (nolds)#

nolds features are estimates as a direct wrapper around the nolds toolbox. Features can be estimated from raw data directly, or data being filtered in different frequency bands.


The computation time for this feature modality is however very high. For real time applications we tested it was not applicable.

"nolds_features": {
    "sample_entropy": true,
    "correlation_dimension": true,
    "lyapunov_exponent": true,
    "hurst_exponent": true,
    "detrended_fluctutaion_analysis": true,
    "data": {
        "raw": true,
        "frequency_bands": [
            "low beta",
            "high beta",
            "low gamma",
            "high gamma",


coherence can be calculated for channel pairs that are passed as a list of lists. Each list contains the channels specified in nm_channels. The mean and/or maximum in a specific frequency band can be calculated. The maximum for all frequency bands can also be estimated.

"coherence": {
    "channels": [
    "frequency_bands": [
        "high beta"
    "features": {
        "mean_fband": true,
        "max_fband": true,
        "max_allfbands": true
    "method": {
        "coh": true,
        "icoh": true


bursting features were previously often investigated in invasive electrophysiology. Here burst features for different frequency bands with specified time_duration_s and threshold can be estimated:

"burst_settings": {
    "threshold": 75,
    "time_duration_s": 30,
    "frequency_bands": [
        "low beta",
        "high beta",
        "low gamma"
    "burst_features": {
        "duration": true,
        "amplitude": true,
        "burst_rate_per_s": true,
        "in_burst": true


MNE-connectivity is a direct wrapper around the mne_connectivity spectral_connectivity_epochs function.

"mne_connectiviy": {
    "method": "plv",
    "mode": "multitaper"

Line length#

linelength is a very simple features that calculates in the specified batch the sum of the absolute signal of a channel x:

\[LineLength(x) = \sum_{i=0}^{Batch\ Length} |x_i|\]



projection_cortex and projection_subcortex allow for feature projection of individual channels to a common subcortical or cortical grid, defined by the grid_cortex.tsv and subgrid_cortex.tsv files. Example .tsv files can be found in the shipped py_neuromodulation package. For both projections a max_dist_mm parameter needs to be specified, in which data is linearly interpolated, weighted by their inverse grid point distance. For further motivation see the example notebook Grid Point Projection.

"project_cortex_settings": {
    "max_dist_mm": 20
"project_subcortex_settings": {
    "max_dist_mm": 5